A day at the office.
I am an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at
University of Notre Dame.
Department Website
- Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania, PA, 2015
- M.F.A., Poetry, New York University, New York, NY, 2010
- AB, Mathematics, Harvard College, Cambride, MA, 2008
Visiting Positions
- Post-doctoral Scholar, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics - Bonn, Germany (September 2018 - March
- Van Vleck Assistant Professor (post-doc), University of Wisconsin - Madison (August 2015 - August 2018)
- Teachers & Writers Fellow (creative writing instructor), PS 110, New York City, NY (September 2010 - May
My work is currently supported by NSF grant DMS-2204349.
Here's a link
to my papers on the arixv.
Coxeter quotients of knot
groups through 16 crossings, Experimental Mathematics (2024). With R. Blair, N. Morrison.
Slicing knots
in definite 4-manifolds, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (2024). With
A. Miller, A. Ray, S. Sakallı.
exotic surface links in the 4-ball, Michigan Journal of Mathematics (2024). With K.
Hayden, S. Krishna, M. Miller, M. Powell, N. Sunukjian.
A note on three-fold branched covers
of S^4, Annales de l’institut
Fourier (2024). With R. Blair, P. Cahn, J. Meier.
The bridge number of arborescent links with
many twigs,
Albegraic & Geometric Topology (2023). With S. Baader, R. Blair., F. Misev.
Coxeter groups and meridional rank
of links, Mathematische Annalen (2021). With S. Baader, R. Blair.
ribbon obstructions for colored knots, Fundamenta Mathematicae (2021). With P. Cahn.
Linking numbers in three-manifolds, Discrete
and Computational Geometry (2021). With P. Cahn.
systems of generators of knot groups,
in Analysis and Geometry, (2020). With R. Blair, R. Velazquez, P. Villanueva.
Signatures of topological branched covers,
International Mathematics
Research Notices (2020). With C. Geske, J.L. Shaneson.
The dihedral genus of a knot,
Algebraic and Geometric Topology (2020). With P. Cahn.
quotients of knot groups and a filtration of the Gordian graph, with S. Baader. Mathematical
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (2020).
The incompatibility of
crossing number and bridge number for knot diagrams, Discrete Mathematics (2019). With
R. Blair, M. Ozawa.
Dihedral branched covers
of four-manifolds, Advances in Mathematics, (2018).
Spring 2025
Math 10560 (Calc 2)
Math 36800 (Intro to Research)
Upcoming conference appearances are listed below.
- Winterbraids XIV, February 2025,
Bordeaux, France (mini-course)
- 58th Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference, March 2025,
Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA
- Trisectors Workshop, June 2025, University of Texas - Austin, TX
- Trisections and related topics, October 2025,
CIRM, Luminy, France (mini course)
Some talks I gave in the past are listed here.
I help organize one virtual seminar and one in the flesh.
Not all my verses are on the arXiv. A couple of
them can be found here.